Friday, January 2, 2009

Winter Break...ahhhhhh.

Ah, the joys of winter break. No packing lunches, homework, packing book bags and getting clothes ready for the a.m. On my days off, sleeping in until the light slowly creeps through the blinds and I get up and stretch and start my day at my leisure.... HAH!!!!

My morning started before the sun was up. I was awakened by what might have been misinterpreted as a 70 lb bag of bricks being dropped from my ceiling, but I know better. Jared doesn't ease into his day, he explodes into it! Mommy, mommy, mommy! What are we going to do today? Can you get up? Can you make me something to eat? I want to build something today mom! Can we go on the ferry? NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Please, please, I beg. Just let me sleep a little more- PLEEAASSSEE! So, he teases me as he snuggles down into my bed... seconds pass.... jig-jig, wiggle-wiggle, kick-kick. A few seconds more... "Okay, mom! Let's get up now!" I resign myself that there will be no more sleep today.

Unfortunately, today my throat is scratchy and I feel a little punky. I am desperately trying to figure out what I will do with my children. Jimmy will be okay; afterall, he wants nothing more then to decay up in his room as he plays xbox live with all his friends- his is a virtual social life but he loves it! He makes the occasional trip downstairs to eat, maybe play the wii fit, perhaps bathe... then back to his games. But Jared... another story. So, I come up with a plan: I call my brother who is gracious enough to come get Jared and take him to some scrap yards (or something) and will find Jared an old lawnmower that he can take apart in the garage. GREAT plan! I pat myself on the back and breathe a heavy sigh of relief... maybe I'll get a little rest. My brother shows up and they get ready to go on their adventure. Ahhhhhhh. 15 minutes pass, then- lo and behold: here they come again! Jared decided that a trip to Lowe's to buy yellow police caution tape is a MUCH better option and rushes home to get to work. WHAT????? Why are you back? My brother apologizes and goes on his merry way. Now my house is being wrapped in tape; I cannot go up the stairs, or travel from room to room without navigating the tape. My house looks like a crime scene... I consider laying down and tracing myself with chalk and calling it a day...But, as inviting as the prospect of laying down is, I pick myself up and begin to come up with some activities for the day. For the non-believers, I have included a photo of the crime scene outdoors. (I tore down the indoor tape) I LOVE my children with all my heart, but- I cannot WAIT until school starts again... and if it takes a "real parent" to admit their short-comings and admit that sometimes parenting is TOUGH, then, a la parent/pinocchio I cannot lie: I'm a REAL parent!!!!


  1. ok, glad u cleared up the crime tape around the house, was getting a little nervous lol!

  2. That was NOTHIN' compared to the inside!

  3. I am thinking the body chalk outline under the basketball hoop would have been great for the picture! You are a trooper!
