Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Unbridled Creativity

I never thought there would be a such thing as too much creativity... maybe in thinking this I was referring to myself. Afterall, who wouldn't want to be MORE creative? But, when it comes to my son, he's tipped the scales to extreme.

I know...I should be GRATEFUL that God has blessed him with this gift- and I AM, but- I've run out of ideas to channel his creativity and it only leads to frustration and unimaginable cravings for wine!!! I think that rather than becoming a nurse I should have considered owning a "rent-all" store, living on a farm, or having an auto-repair shop. Any and all of these would be a perfect environment for my little creator. Instead, he's stuck with a nurse who, at best- is able to bring home plastic gowns, rubber-gloves and bedpans, and frankly I'm a little scared of what he would do with those!!!

Here's some recent examples of my litte engineer: On our recent snow day he HAD to have a snow plow. Of course we don't own one- why would we?? To use it every 3-4 years??? So, he sat his determined little rear-end at the dinner table and "drew his designs". At this point we're pushing 8pm and my attention is waning. I foolishly thought that it would lead to simply going outside with his shovel... Well, the shovel WAS part of the overall plan. Initially he started by using bungee cords to strap the shovel to the front of his bike and plowing that way, but it REALLY hindered his steering... so, back to the drawing board he went! (Oh, and if you have kept up with my recent blogs, you should know that I have stopped buying tape...I save that for bday & xmas gifts now) At this point I have thought (again-foolishly!) that no harm would be done. HAH! After what seemed like HOURS of blissful peace & quiet I became nervous... why hasn't he come back in? (the hours really equal about 20 minutes) I walked out to the garage with bated breath... what could he be doing??? Well, suffice it to say that he improved his design plan and came up with a much better option. He managed to wiggle out the push-mower from it's storage spot (miraculously not scratching any vehicles in the garage!) and with bungee cords and summer beach chairs he fashioned a push-plow. I still don't understand how he managed to "bungee" those chairs in the correct position to make this "plow" work, but he did and was busily plowing my driveway. While I am impressed that this plan actually worked, I fear that come summer-time, the push-mower will not... this is the price we pay.

This again, is a mere snap-shot of the creativity this child displays... (I can save the recent obsession with "barber shop" and finding several bald stuffed animals for another day!) The school and the doctors who have done testing on my child say that his IQ is "borderline"... maybe they should read this blog and see that some intelligence cannot possibly be measured. Only, what to do with it??? Every day feels like spring cleaning, where you empty a room of all it's stuff and get rid of things, then reorganize the rest...over, & over, & over.....

I confess that I dream of escaping... crave peace and simplicity. In this fantasy it's a room in a Japanese style... simple. No furniture, just a floor mat... no bungee cords, tape, or tools... maybe a plant or fountain...oops, no- potential for "creativity"... okay, no furniture... just 4 walls and a floor... hmmmmm- starting to look a little like a padded cell!!!